Social Dance & Etiquette for All Ages Social Dance Classes for Adults Serving Individuals, Businesses, Schools, & Churches
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We Need YOU:



Marketing Minds & Computer Geek seeks
Partners, Mentors, Teachers, Hosts
Earn Free Dance Lessons all Year Long
Dance Moves and Manners is growing quickly and we are so pleased with this.  We are blessed to have a group of dedicated students and assistants and need more. 

Read below to see if you have the qualifications to

Earn Free Dance Lessons in one of these categories

Mentor:  If you have knowledge and some proficiency in a dance but need review- you can attend a class for free, review the steps, add more, work on technique, and be able to assist newer students in the class who are struggling.  Mentors are sometimes required to learn both leader & follower parts as per class needs.

Partner:  Most classes have more women than man attendees. If you can commit to most of the classes in a series of classes where we need partners-you can take the class for free.  Women interested in learning “Lead” may also become partners and take free classes—great way to review and keep learning.  Partners who volunteer on regular basis get all classes for No/Charge.

Teachers: We are being invited into many, many, many places to give classes.  Blessed with the opportunity, we are bringing in guest instructors and this year will feature such people as Carina Lozano—the Argentine Tango Instructor who taught Madonna how to dance for the movie, Evita.  This is great, but I am on the search for local instructors who will become associates.  If you have this background, but need review, call us.  Take all your classes for free build your confidence.  If you know of an instructor who recently moved to the area, please forward this info.  Associate Instructors choose the dates-times-places they want to teach.  Work as much or as little as you like.

Hosts: Be a Host Family for our out of town Guest Instructors. Open your home, be kind, be gracious, have a spare room to offer for an occasional 1-2 nights.  This year we will be bringing guest instructors from Philadelphia, DC, and Baltimore area.  Get to learn the dances that they will teach by opening your home to these talented people. You need only to be willing, cooking and meals are not required. Just a warm bed and a kind heart.

Computer Geeks with Marketing Minds: Earn Free Dance Lessons by keeping our Face Book page up and running, work on other local marketing sites.

Or call
302-222-3755 to see if you qualify


Contact Yvonne Cimone at

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